What is the electronic signature

What is the electronic signature?

Escrito por: Marketing Team Fecha Monday 6, January 2020 Categoría: E-Signature


Digitization is part of the daily life of companies, from SMEs to multinationals. Thus, in their eagerness to digitize and automate processes, technology lands in the organizations to increase productivity and reduce the resources used in routine tasks. Discover what is the electronic signature.

What is the electronic signature for?

The electronic signature refers to a set of data that, associated with an electronic document, helps us to identify the person that have signed it. This type of signature unequivocally identifies the signatory and gives legal validity to the document (in the certainty that it has not been manipulated or altered after the signature). In addition, the electronic signature has the same legal validity as the handwritten signature.

While it is true that digitization brings many advantages to both companies and individuals, it also brings with us a risk that directly affects our digital identity. Thus, the electronic signature is uniquely linked to the signatory and the data it refers to, and it has been created by means that the signatory can keep under his exclusive control.

An electronic signature is a set of data in electronic form that helps us to identify the person signing and accepting the content of a document.

The legal nature of this signature is to ensure the digital identity of a person, assuming proof of consent, linkage and approval of the information contained in a document.

What is the electronic signature

In addition, the electronic signature captures the signatory’s intention to be bound by the terms of the document he signs, binding him in the same way as a traditional signature. What is important, after all, is to be able to prove who makes the mark and that the document has not been altered subsequently.

Advantages of the electronic signature

There are several advantages of electronic signature over paper-based handwritten signatures:

  • Flexibility. It allows you to carry out procedures wherevere and whenever you want, thus speeding up the processes by avoiding waiting times.
  • Validity. It gives us the certainty that the document has not been altered or modified after its signature.
  • Saving. Commitment to a paperless culture within companies, as this technology allows for a considerable reduction in the use of paper in offices.

Types of electronic signature

There are different types of electronic signatures (simple signature, advanced signature and qualified signature) that involve different technology and levels of security. The difference between all of them lies in the electronic evidences that are collected after a document is signed.

Given the importance of guaranteeing the security of the signature, the European authorities have approved the eIDAS regulation, homogenising the market for digital transactions and favouring competition between companies. This regulatory framework regulates the use of electronic signature, time stamping and certified electronic delivery services, among others.

Where can you apply this type of signature?

This signature is applicable to all types of companies, regardless of their size, sector or activity. This technology allows usto attend procedures in a certified and safe way, such as

  • Signing of contracts.
  • Signing and creating invoices.
  • Telematic communication with the Public Administration.
  • Receipt of electronic notifications.
  • Application in the electronic administrative records.
  • Download models and forms from the Tax Agency.

To learn more about digital signatures and signature methods, you can request us a free demo of electronic signature.

Guarantee the security of your organization with Ivnosys as a trusted third party and Qualified Trustworthy Service Provider, offering solutions that meet the strictest security standards. In addition, we are a Certification Authority.


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