Your electronic signature platform

Send, sign and manage documents. Get signed documents in just a few minutes and know the status of your deliveries in real time.

Decides who, when and how will sign with full legal validity through the time stamp.

Easy and intuitive

Send your documents including the recipients, the document to be signed and the type of signature.

Different type of signatures

All the types of signature recognised by the eIDAS regulations are available: simple, advanced and qualified signature.

Highest security

Collect an audit with the electronic evidence of each signed document. Remote signature without renouncing the legal validity of the handwritten signature.


Speeds up the signing process and closes agreements in a few minutes.

From any device

Sign your documents anytime, anywhere and through any mobile device (pc, tablet or mobile)


Send from Outlook thanks to the integration possibilities.

Ivnosys as a Qualified Trust Service Provider under Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 (eIDAS).


IvCert has been audited as a “qualified electronic registered delivery service”.


Discover our eIDAS accreditations and certifications of quality and trust.


The most secure types of electronic signature
recognized by eIDAS

Types of electronic signature - Digital Onboarding

Qualified centralized signature in the cloud

Digital certificate signature in the cloud. Suitable for electronic signature of documents or acknowledgement of receipt of notifications. It has the highest legal rank, guaranteeing maximum security of signed documents.

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Advanced electronic signature with digital certificate

A signature method with a higher legal level using a digital certificate, ensuring the identity of the signatory and the integrity of the message.

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Advanced biometric signature

Digitized handwritten signature with biometric data collection (contact position, speed and pen pressure) in a specialized device. Provides certification of the message content and signature.

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Advanced OTP (SMS) signature

Explicit acceptance of a communication and/or document with signature using a one-time PIN (OTP) sent by SMS to the signatory’s mobile pone. Provides certified evidence of message content and acceptance.

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Simple signature

Explicit acceptance of a communication with one or more conditions through an acceptance dialog box. Suitable for signing documents and conditions of use or approving them.

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Certified communication

Certified delivery of a message by email or SMS. In addition, you will have the option of being able to download the document.

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Video identification

The video identification system allows the verification of the customer’s identity through facial recognition technology. During the process, biometric data is compared between the user’s real image and the ID photo, making the identification process more complete and secure.

So quick and easy

Paso 1 IvCert
1st Step

Create your first mailing and attach the document.

Paso 2 IvCert
2nd Step

Choose the recipients.

Paso 3 IvCert
3rd Step

Sign, send or manage your documents.

News related to IvCert

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Quabit digitizes the purchase and sale of homes with Ivnosys



¿Qué es el sellado de tiempo?

What is time stamping?



Reglamento eIDAS: la seguridad de la firma electrónica

eIDAS Regulation: the security of electronic signatures



Do you need more information about IvCert? Contact us