Privacy Policy

Please use IVNOSYS® website in a responsible way, and before continuing, read the present privacy policy, the legal notice and the cookies policy, for its content is binding for you as a user of this website.

The owner of the present website is Ivnosys Soluciones S.L.U (from now on, IVNOSYS®). For more information regarding IVNOSYS®, read the legal notice.

Sometimes and because of our activity, IVNOSYS® shall deal with personal information. On the following paragraphs we answer some of the questions that might arise regarding how that data is treated and which are the compromises IVNOSYS® assumes when accessing and storing the information that might eventually be collected.

Which regulation applies to the processing of data of a personal nature?

To this effect, our activity is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and the Council, from April 27th2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with respect to the processing of data of a personal nature and the free circulation of this data and by which it repeals the Directive 95/46/CE, as well as the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5th regarding the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights, as well as the rest of existing dispositions required for this matter.

Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

The current Privacy Policy applies to all personal data which the user gives away through this online platform (through forms) or through other means (for instance, social networks). Therefore we inform that the party responsible for the processing of the personal data you might provide us is:

Ivnosys Soluciones, S.L.U., Tax Identity Number B98333362, a Signaturit Group company and registered office located at Acceso Ademuz nº 12, 1st floor, Office 1, zip code 46980, Paterna (Valencia).

Data Protection Officer

Our entity has a Data Protection Officer. Below are the contact details as well as the addresses the user can turn for support:

Contact address: [email protected]

Based on the content of the current Privacy Regulation and the respect we owe you, you must guarantee that the data provided is veridic, exact, complete and updated, being responsible for any damage or harm -direct or indirect- that may be done as a consequence of the breaching of said obligation, to IVNOSYS® or to third parties.

When and why is the User’s personal data processed?

It is possible to navigate the website without providing personal data. However, in some cases, this information is necessary to provide the requested information. In case information about our products and/or services is being requested, we shall need to collect some personal data, so as to answer any queries or questions.

Nevertheless, we inform that if we need to collect personal data, IVNOSYS®, as the entity responsible for the processing, shall previously ask the user for their express consent whenever it is necessary. The aim of the Privacy Policy is to provide transparency as to how we process your data and to protect the information on the Internet and the data the user might enter on the website.

To what end do we process your personal data?

The personal data requested or that is provided to navigate the website are useful for the purposed listed below:

  • We shall process your personal data so as to manage and respond the queries sent to us, service requests or requests for the expansion of general information.
  • We shall process your personal data so as to manage your participation in staff selection processes, which adapt to your professional profile and so as to perform the necessary actions for the selection and hiring of staff.
  • We shall process your data so as to send you electronic communications in case you request so.

What is the legitimation for the processing of personal data?

For the processing of your personal information we base the legitimation on several reasons:

  • Regarding the processing of users’ data:
    • The legal base for the processing of personal data provided to us for the management of queries and requests, is your consent.
    • The legal base for the processing of personal data so as to manage staff selection processes, is your consent.
    • The legal base for the processing of your personal data so as to send commercial communications, is your consent.
  • Regarding the processing of clients’ data:
    • The legal base for the treatment of data of personal nature, is the execution of a contract.

Nevertheless, we inform that whenever data is collected, we shall inform you of the party responsible for it, as well as the purpose of its processing, the legitimation for the processing, the recipients of the information, the times of the processing, the way in which you can perform your rights, given to you by the current regulation of data protection, as well as any information that the regulation of data protection requires. For that, on each of the forms used to collect personal data, we shall provide the appropriate clause with all the necessary information. In case of requiring your consent for this processing, we shall ask for it, therefore being up to you whether you accept or reject it, through your free will, manifested in a specific, informed and unequivocal way.

We remind that it is the user’s responsibility to read the terms and conditions beforehand, as well as the privacy policy and the consents, previous to your acceptance, on this website.

To whom we aim our services

The services, access to content and product offers on this website are only available to persons over 18 years of age. IVNOSYS shall not be liable for any damages caused to the User or third parties who may be harmed by identity theft or any other negative consequences resulting from the User’s failure to comply with this requirement. For this reason IVNOSYS expressly informs that any person who provides their personal data, declares and confirms having said minimum age, will be prohibited from contracting services from IVNOSYS. IVNOSYS and the corresponding provision of personal data in the case of minors.

How is your data processed? With whom is personal data shared?

IVNOSYS® only gathers the necessary personal data in order to fulfil a specific purpose. This data or information shall not be used with a different purpose than the one described. Int hat sense, IVNOSYS® does not gather more data than what is strictly necessary.

IVNOSYS® does not make the user’s data available to third parties, except for transfers that it may make to other companies that make up the Signaturit Group. In the event that IVNOSYS intends to disclose your personal data to third parties outside the Signaturit Group, it may only do so by requesting your consent, which must be obtained in accordance with the legal requirements established for such cases.

Once some of the services or products IVNOSYS® offers have been hired, it is possible for personal data to be shared with the companies on its group, with the purpose of optimising the services offered. In any case, before providing the information, you shall be informed of the identity of the receiving party, of their activity and of the purposes said recipients could give to the data. Your personal data shall be treated at all times with confidentiality, integrity and restraint, according to the current regulation and with the diligence that is characteristic of us.

In any case, at IVNOSYS® and all its organisation, security measures are taken in order to protect the data against a potential abuse or unauthorised access, alteration or loss.

For how long is the data gathered on the website stored and processed?

The necessary amount of time in order to fulfil the purpose of its gathering or its immediate posterior processing. The period of conservation of the data shall depend on the service. On each service and form, the duration of the processing of personal data shall be stated. Nevertheless, we inform below of the duration of the processing depending on the aforementioned purposes:

  • The data for the management of queries and requests shall be stored for the necessary period of time so an answer can be given, with the maximum of a year.
  • The data for the management of staff selection processes shall be stored until the adjudication of a job, until the process of selection is finished or until you exercise your right to its suppression or opposition. In case of not being selected for a job, the CV will be saved for a maximum period of one year with the exceptions indicated above (this has been added).
  • The data for the sending of commercial communications of our products or services shall be stored until you communicate to us that you revoke your consent.

What rights does the user of the website have?

IVNOSYS makes available to the User the necessary means to exercise their rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Portability and Forgetfulness at any time when deemed appropriate. To this end, the User may claim the exercise of the aforementioned rights by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided for this purpose or to the postal address indicated at the beginning of this policy; attaching, in both cases, a copy of the passport or ID card (holder of the data) and expressly indicating in the subject line the right he/she wishes to exercise: access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability or forgetfulness.

In order to comply with the principles of information and transparency, basic information on the rights provided is briefly detailed below:

Access By exercising this right, you can find out what personal data of yours is being processed by IVNOSYS; its purpose, origin or possible transfer to third parties.

Rectification You may modify your personal data if it is inaccurate or incomplete, specifying in the request which data you wish to be modified.

Cancellation Allows the cancellation of your personal data as inadequate or excessive.

Opposition With the right of opposition you can oppose the processing of your data in cases such as: advertising and commercial prospecting activities or when such processing is aimed at adopting a decision concerning you based solely on an automated processing of your personal data.

Portability You may receive your personal data provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and be able to transfer it to another controller, where technically feasible.

Erasure or erasure You may request the erasure of your personal data without undue delay in the event of any of the above-mentioned circumstances. For example, unlawful data processing, or when the purpose for which the data was collected or processed has ceased to exist

In addition, and in order to carry out the corresponding data processing, IVNOSYS will safeguard and manage your personal data with the greatest possible diligence, applying criteria of limitation and minimisation.

Likewise, in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 RGPD in relation to the provisions of Article 13 LOPDGDD, the user may file a claim related to the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of their data, limitation and opposition to their treatment, as well as not being subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of their data, where appropriate, before the AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency), C / Jorge Juan, 6, 28001- Madrid or through the website

How can you exercise your rights?

We inform you that you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, limitation of processing, data portability, opposition to processing and not to be subject to automated individual decisions, including profiling, if applicable, by contacting the Data Protection Delegate, by e-mail to [email protected]. providing in both cases proof of ownership and identity and referencing: “exercise of rights”.If you consider this treatment or any of its phases does not comply with the current Privacy Regulation, you may file a complaint before the control authority through the website

You may also consult the leadership of the control authority that you wish:


Cancelling the sending of commercial communication (in compliance with the LSSI-CE -Law 34/2002, July 11th, of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Service-).

As mentioned before, IVNOSYS® shall make the request that, if the user consents to it, IVNOSYS® can access their data so as to send them information and advertising regarding the website, different offers, special promotions and third parties which provide service.

The user shall have the right to revoke, at any given time, the given consent for the sending of commercial communications with a simple notification to IVNOSYS® that he/she do not wish to continue receiving commercial communications.

How do we protect your personal data?

We commit ourselves to protecting your personal data. We use the appropriate technical and organisational measures so as to protect your privacy and personal data, avoiding its alteration, loss or unauthorised access, according to what is established on the applicable regulation, in view of the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks it is exposed to, whether they are caused by human actions, or physical or natural means, according to what is established on the applicable regulation.

IVNOSYS®, in order to reinforce the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data on its organisation, continually supervises, controls and evaluates its processes to ensure the respect to the privacy and security of the information, according to international standards. Thus, IVNOSYS® applies the security measures demanded by the principle of security and it only hires -even though its cost is higher- Internet Service Providers (ISP) which comply with the strictest international standards regarding the management of information security.

We also ensure that our employees are appropriately able to protect your personal data.

Our procedures indicate that it is possible for us to request proof of identity before sharing your personal information with you.

According to our security and confidentiality guarantees, we are especially interested in offering the highest security level and protect the confidentiality of the personal information you provide to us. Therefore, commercial transactions are performed in a safe server environment, under SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol.

Processing of cross-border services

IVNOSYS® does not carry out cross-border services of its clients or contacts.

Modification of Privacy Policy

We shall revise and update the data protection information when there are modifications in the regulation or in any of the procedures of the processing of your personal data, indicating the date of the last update and the modified content.

This data protection information was last revised and updated in June, 2019.

Current version: Privacy Policy v5.0
Effective date: 6th May, 2024.
Implemented changes: Corporate changes and internal disposals Signaturit Group
Previous versions: Privacy Policy v4.1 Appointment of new Data Protection Officer;