Escrito por: Marketing Team Fecha Tuesday 9, June 2020 Categoría: E-Signature
Due to the state of alarm we are in, teleworking has multiplied dramatically in the last week and with it, the digital signature.
The problem has been and is that many small, medium and large Spanish companies were not prepared for it.
The coronavirus is going to be a before and after. We must realize that many of the actions we can do daily, need a digital signature (or electronic signature).
The technology has completely impacted the transaction market. One of the key points to normalize the business situation is to continue signing documents with legal guarantees.
Any document can be signed electronically, we no longer need to be in person to sign: contracts (insurance, work, services…), transactions, paperwork, etc. In addition, when we use the digital signature, a series of electronic data are collected that allow us to identify the signatory, ensure the integrity of the document and its non-repudiation.
This is so, in addition to collecting the signatures of the interested parties, a third party must certify the validity of these signatures. That is, a Qualified Trusted Electronic Service Provider. Governed by the eIDAS regulation, also known as Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 23 July 2014, which establishes the guidelines for electronic identification,
a common framework for trusted services, giving them the same legality as traditional paper-based signature processes.
There are digital signature platforms that allow you to sign documents, send documents requesting your signature, and even receive them. In addition, electronic evidence is provided such as who has downloaded the document, if they have signed it, at what time, with what type of signature… but productivity lies in having everything in one tool. One that allows to work in the distance and to make in remote of form phase, adapting the costs and the services, tasks like:
The dynamic signature makes it possible to offer recipients different types of signature, from which they choose which to use. To find out which types of signature to offer you, look at:
By giving them this facility, you will collect their signatures in just a few minutes. By working remotely, it is a plus to offer flexibility and speed up the signing process.
Depending on the technology available and the legal force required, there are various types of signature:
There is a flexible pay-per-use contracting model, which can be adapted in order to respond to the required demands. You can choose which types of signature to get on your platform:
To all this, we add that Ivnosys solutions allow the administration of all corporate documentation in an agile, simple and intuitive way, thanks to the commitment to a “paperless” culture, or paperless office.
Providing better automation, unification and easy access to information, cost and resource reduction, 100% guaranteed security and reliability and increased productivity.
The paperless culture is no longer an option, but has become the norm both in companies and in public bodies, where more and more processes and procedures are carried out telematically.
In conclusion, now more than ever is the time when circumstances force us to have this type of digital tools in order to continue managing and carrying out procedures from a distance, as with the digital signature. Let’s not allow it because we can’t leave home, but because we support the digitalization of processes, because of the change of mentality regarding the digital transformation, with all the benefits that this brings.
The new official measures for managing notifications.