Escrito por: Marketing Team Fecha Friday 24, September 2021 Categoría: Electronic Notifications
After summer, many professionals have received several unpleasant surprises in their email inboxes when they have opened them after returning from their vacations. Public administrations such as the tax authorities are sending penalties and fines for not paying attention to electronic notifications.
Yes, it is. Since the entry into vigor of Law 39/2015 in April this year, it is mandatory for professionals and companies to maintain an online communication with the AAPP through electronic notifications. For many companies and freelancers who have not yet completed their digital transformation process 100%, this task is becoming a real headache since it is necessary to leave aside the ordinary mail to make way for the management of notifications via telematics.
These online managements must have the appropriate technology to avoid being penalized since, according to the latest legal updates, disregarding requests for information from public bodies such as the Treasury, can be an act of “resistance, obstruction, excuse or refusal” before which the Administration acts instantly applying sanctions for large sums of money that can amount up to 600,00€.
This has been stipulated in a recent resolution of the Central Economic-Administrative Court (TEAC) in which the deadline of 10 days is set for the electronic notifications sent to the user in question by the agency. If after this period there has been no response and/or action by the taxpayer, the agency understands that it is a neglect and/or refusal, so it can process the corresponding fine without the need to prove the intention to circumvent the requirement sent.
In view of this new problem, what should we do from now on? Many professionals opt for the daily review of each of their mailboxes where they receive notifications from different agencies. This process is impractical if we take into account that a medium or large company may have up to 10 different mailboxes to check every day.
To solve this issue, new platforms such as IvNeos give us the opportunity to perform an automatic synchronization every day and even to define to the millimeter different parameters that fit our needs to maintain control and monitoring of communications. Thanks to the platform it is possible to maintain real-time control to correctly receive all notifications.
The Ivnosys electronic notifications manager allows an online and direct communication with the chosen Public Administrations through a very simple and fast implementation.
This tool allows us to automatically collect the notifications issued by more than 9,000 public bodies and control their status so as not to leave any unattended. In addition, as new extra functionalities, it is also possible to process directly from this tool the submission of documents to the State Agency of Tax Administration.
Finally, another of the advantages that should be highlighted before finishing this post, is that it offers the download and storage of documents securely in the cloud so that the user can get a complete and reliable protection of all his documentation. There are many other features that will help you to streamline and automate online procedures that we recommend about the IvNeos platform. Do you want to know all its advantages? Click here!