IvSign and HealthCer, the successful project developed with Deloitte in Spain

Escrito por: Marketing Team Fecha Thursday 3, September 2020 Categoría: Case of use, Digital Certificate

The current situation in which we find ourselves has driven digitalisation and digital transformation in companies. At this point it is essential to have the right tools, so that organisations can guarantee the security of their processes, while increasing their productivity and becoming more competitive.

The push for digitisation

At Ivnosys we remain committed to cybersecurity solutions, promoting digital tools such as IvSign, to secure and control the custody of digital certificates and IvCert, to streamline the electronic signature of documents with the highest legal status required by eIDAS.

These days, it is necessary to use a digital certificate to work online and to carry out electronic transactions with the Public Administration. It is common for employees of a company to share these certificates to consult information or to sign and invoice electronically, with the result that the certificates end up scattered and installed on multiple computers without any type of control. Not knowing where, how, by whom and, above all, what these certificates are used for means a high security risk for companies.

HealthCer, the solution that alerts about the use of certificates

We would like to highlight the successful case of our client Deloitte, who has implemented several of our tools at national level to prevent the fraudulent use of certificates. This is an increasingly important issue due to the strong commitment to remote working that organisations are making and the risk they take if they are not prepared.

Deloitte launches its alert management system -HealthCer-, a continuous improvement service that facilitates real-time monitoring of the use of certificates and their associated risks.

The project was mainly based on the implementation of IvSign, a tool that allows all certificates to be managed centrally, while establishing usage policies and auditing all operations carried out. In addition, Deloitte has HealthCer, a management and monitoring service integrated with its SOC, which makes it possible to identify in real time any anomaly that may arise with the use of certificates.


Deloitte is glad to incorporate Ivnosys as a technology partner to enhance our cybersecurity services regarding the use of certificates and digital signatures. We are continuously looking for innovative and differential solutions that allow us to continue providing value to our clients. Pablo Martín González, Risk Advisory Partner at Deloitte

IvSign secures digital certificates thanks to its centralisation in the cloud, guaranteeing that they are not copied or reproduced and allowing their use from any location and mobile device.

Solutions with full legal validity

In this way, the IvSign user obtains full control and auditing of their digital certificates, by controlling, from a single point, the use of these documents by all the company’s employees, being able to restrict their use according to certain parameters. Likewise, Deloitte, within its technological portfolio, also offers these solutions, in collaboration with Ivnosys, to those of its clients who require these services.

We are very pleased that a renowned company like Deloitte has decided to implement our digital solutions. We will continue working to optimise processes and help our clients to advance their cybersecurity by modernising their business systems, helping them to adapt to the new demands of the market and regulators. Jaime Castelló, CEO of Ivnosys

Nuestras soluciones en materia de digitalización cuentan con el respaldo de Ivnosys como Prestador de Servicios de Confianza Cualificado, cumpliendo con los más altos estándares marcados por la normativa eIDAS 910/2014.

Our digital solutions are guaranteed by Ivnosys as a Qualified Trusted Service Provider, complying with the highest standards set by the eIDAS 910/2014 regulation.

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