It is time to go paperless, transforming the way we do business by digitising processes and leading to paperless offices, where there is no more paper.
Our solutions allow the management of online procedures and the administration of all corporate documentation in an agile, simple and intuitive way. There are many reasons to opt for it: automation, unification and easy access to information, reduction of costs and resources, 100% guaranteed security and reliability and increased productivity.
More and more companies are opting for teleworking. Despite the many advantages it offers, employees need to be equipped with the necessary tools to work remotely in complete safety.
In order to do so, we highlight the use of digital certificates and the importance of centralising them in companies, as well as electronic communication through the use of electronic signature and the automated management of procedures with the Public Administration.
We help to comply with Law 39/2015, which imposes an obligation on companies and professionals to communicate electronically with public organisations.
Thanks to the automated management of electronic notifications, companies control the status of notifications in real time, ensuring that they receive them all in a single mailbox and avoid receiving penalties for oversights or failures in communications.
Every day we carry out procedures that require documents to be signed. Faced with the disadvantages of paper signatures (waiting times, the need to be physically present, misplacing or manipulating documents…), electronic signatures can be used.
In addition, we offer the most secure types of electronic signature that comply with the security standards set out in the European regulation eIDAS 910/2014.
Electronic evidence is collected from each signed document that provides the same or greater legal validity than those signed on paper, with the guarantee of Ivnosys as a Qualified Trusted Electronic Services Provider.
The time-stamping service is a method that reliably proves that a set of data existed prior to the time of signing, and that this data has not been modified or altered since then.
An ideal complement to guarantee the security of signed documents digitally, ensuring their full legal validity and no alteration and/or manipulation of the information.