Thank you for choosing Ivnosys Soluciones, S.L.U. (a Signaturit Group Company) In this paragraph there is information about the conditions for the access and use of this website, which must be known by the user, according to the Law 34/2002 – July 11th of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Service.
The owner of this website and provider of information society and electronic commerce service is Ivnosys Soluciones, S.L.U (from now on, IVNOSYS®), registered office located at Acceso Ademuz nº 12, 1st floor, Office 1, zip code 46980, Paterna (Valencia), with Tax Identification Number (TIN) B98333362. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, Volume 9306, Book 6588, Sheet 60, Section 8, Page V143049, Inscription 1 and e-mail address [email protected].
This legal information is complemented by the privacy policy and cookie policy published on this same website. For any queries or contact with our entity, users are able to communicate through this e-mail address [email protected] and/or through the following phone number: 960 031 203.
The names of the domain are owned IVNOSYS® and their exclusive use is reserved to the company.
The domains mentioned below, among others, are also owned by IVNOSYS®.
The official IVNOSYS® website is and its goal is, in general, to facilitate to the public the knowledge of the products and services our company offers, and the activities it performs.
We ask that the users carefully read the Use Conditions. The access and use of this website are exclusively the responsibility of the users, and it means that they accept and acknowledge the legal notices, conditions and terms of use contained by it, without prejudice of those particulars which could be applied to some concrete services offered through the website. In case of not agreeing with any or all of these conditions and terms, the User must refrain from using the website.
In order to use and navigate the websites of IVNOSYS®, the User must:
In order to access part of the contents and services we offer through our website, it is necessary to hire them beforehand. Otherwise, access shall be denied. All the information facilitated by the user through the services must be veridic and factually correct, and it must not damage nor violate the rights of others. To this effect, the User grants the authenticity of all the information he/she give away as a consequence of using certain services. Similarly, it is the users’ responsibility to keep all information given to IVNOSYS® permanently updated so it matches the user’s real situation at all times.
The User is committed to the appropriate use of the website; its uses, information and other contents, products and services that are provided by the website, according to the law, to decency and requirements of good faith to the present Legal Notice, and the instructions and notices communicated to them, acting accordingly at all times.
The password chosen to access the contents and services of restricted access is personal and non-transferable. The user is the only one responsible to keep it and keep it secret, as he/she is responsible for the consequences of its loss, releasing IVNOSYS® from any responsibilities that can derive from the inappropriate use of passwords by unauthorised third parties. If, at any given moment, the user doubts of the confidentiality of their passwords, he/she must change it immediately.
The User must exclusively use the website and all its contents, services or products offered -both on the free-access area and the restricted-access area- for lawful and not illegal ends, which do not infringe the current laws and/or could affect the legitimate rights of IVNOSYS® or any other third party, or that could cause any harm, directly or indirectly.
To this effect, the User must abstain from using any of the contents of this website with illegal or unlawful ends, prohibited on this Legal Notice, which affect the rights or interests of third parties, or that could, in any way, damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the correct use of the website, computer equipment, documents, files and all types of contents stored on any of the computer equipment of IVNOSYS®, other Users or any Internet user.
To clarify; the expression “contents of this website” includes (but is not limited to) data, texts, graphs, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs and other files included on the website, and generally, all creations expressed through any means or computer support, tangible or intangible, independently of whether they are susceptible or not to intellectual or industrial property, according to the current applicable laws.
IVNOSYS®, IvSign®, Portal NEOS®, Agente SC®, among others, are brands and commercial names registered by IVNOSYS® and are protected by industrial property rules. All other distinctive signs that appear on this website -unless the contrary is explicitly expressed- are also registered by IVNOSYS® or its respective holders, whom do not grant any type of license to the users. The use of any distinctive signs of IVNOSYS® is prohibited and it is not implicit on the use of this website or the philosophy 2.0.
The texts, drawings, images, photographs, videos and other sound, visual or audiovisual elements contained by this website, as well as its structure, design, source code, logos, brands and other distinctive signs appearing on this same website (from now on, the contents) are -unless the contrary is explicitly expressed- , ownership of IVNOSYS® or its collaborators and protected by the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property.
IVNOSYS® licenses the rights to the reproduction, distribution and public communications on all the contents of this website to all its users for its “2.0 use”, as long as the source is cited and the original content is linked with a URL. IVNOSYS® does not give any other rights for the reproduction, distribution, public communication or transformation of its website, its design or any of the contents to the users. Any use of the website or its contents that does not agree with its aim are prohibited. The exploitation, use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar activities of any programming elements used on this website without the corresponding license or authorisation are prohibited. That is, the use of this website does not imply the yielding of any of the aforementioned rights. All violations of intellectual or industrial property owned by IVNOSYS®, its partners or collaborators shall be prosecuted through legal means available at each moment by the appropriate jurisdiction applicable to each case.
This website contains materials that have been prepared with informative purposes, and which do not constitute as counselling, training or any type of advice. Therefore, IVNOSYS® is not responsible for the actions which are undertaken based on those.
IVNOSYS® does not guarantee the absence of errors when accessing the website, nor its content. It also does not guarantee that it is always updated, although IVNOSYS® puts the maximum effort to avoid these, to correct and update them, so its existence shall not harm IVNOSYS® at any moment. If during the course of the navigation of IVNOSYS®’s website, the user detects any errors, we ask that him/her let us know by sending an e-mail to [email protected]
Although IVNOSYS® shall take all the necessary actions to re-establish communication when there are errors accessing the website, and to keep the website available and continuously working. IVNOSYS® cannot guarantee the access to the website nor the availability or continuity of its functioning, so the occasional lack of availability shall not harm IVNOSYS®.
Both the access to IVNOSYS®’s portals and the use that could be given to the information contained by those portals are the exclusive responsibility of the person who uses it.
IVNOSYS® is not responsible for the possible security errors that may happen or the potential damage it may cause to the User’s computer system (hardware and software), nor the files or documents stored in it, as a consequence of the presence of viruses on the User’s computer used for the connection to the services and contents of the website, nor any faulty functioning of the Internet browser or the use of non-updated versions of it. IVNOSYS® is also not responsible for the damage which could be derived from interference, omissions, interruptions, faults and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of the electronic system or on its devices and computer systems of the Users, due to causes beyond the control of IVNOSYS®.
Nevertheless, IVNOSYS® states that it has adopted and shall continue to adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the correct functioning of the website and avoid any damages that could be done to the Users, derived from the navigation of its websites. Consequently, IVNOSYS® is not responsible in any case of the eventual damages that could be done to the user because of Internet browsing.
IVNOSYS® is not responsible for the information and stored contents, including but not limited to forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means that allows third parties to publish contents in an independent way on IVNOSYS®’s website.
However, and abiding by what is exposed in the LSSI, IVNOSYS® is available for all users, authorities and security services, actively collaborating in the retiring or blocking of all those contents that could actively affect or infringe the national or international legislation, the rights of third parties, morals or public order. In case the user believes that the website stores any content that could be eligible for this classification, at IVNOSYS® we ask to be contacted regarding this.
IVNOSYS®’s website can make available to all users the links that allow access to websites owned or managed by third parties. The main goal of said links is merely to facilitate the search and access to resources and information that may be of interest. Nevertheless, said webpages are not owned by IVNOSYS®. Similarly, IVNOSYS® does not revise or exert any type of control over its contents and thus, IVNOSYS® is not responsible for its content, information or services that could appear on those websites, which are exclusively informative and that do not imply any relations between IVNOSYS® and the people or entities that own said contents or owners of the websites in which they are located. Furthermore, IVNOSYS® is not responsible for the functioning, technical availability, exactitude, veracity, validity or legality of foreign pages that can be accessed through the links, or the possible damages that could be derived from the access or use to the linked page. Since IVNOSYS® has no control whatsoever over the pages linked on the website, the user assumes exclusive responsibility of the consequences, damages or actions that could be derived from the access to the websites on the hyperlink, and therefore IVNOSYS® recommends the user to be cautious when assessing and using the information, contents or services available on the linked websites.
The fact that links exist on the website does not necessarily mean there is a relationship between IVNOSYS® and the owner of the linked website, and nor does the acceptance and approval on IVNOSYS®’s part of its contents and services.
IVNOSYS® uses first-party and third-party cookies. It is possible to access more information regarding the cookies that are used, its finality and other information of interest on our Cookies Policy.
IVNOSYS® is obliged to comply with current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, according to what is established on the Privacy Policy.
IVNOSYS® reserves the right to make modifications and updates it considers relevant and necessary in an unilateral way and without previous warning, on the content of the website; regarding the content of the websites, its terms and conditions and its configuration and presentation. Consequently, it shall also make the modifications required by any changes in legislation. Said modifications can be made through the website in any way allowed by the Law and they must be complied with when they are published and available on the websites, until they are replaced by new ones.
The user of the website must access these terms and conditions periodically to learn of the new versions included here, even though it is recommended for the user to read them every time he/she wish to access or use the services and contents of the website.
The current conditions are valid since April 14th, 2021.
Any changes included in these conditions shall be published on this same URL.
The applicable Law in case of dispute or conflict in the interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal Notice, as well as any related queries related to the services of the present portal, shall be the current Spanish regulation.
For the resolution of any conflict or controversy that may arise between the User and IVNOSYS® regarding the visit to the portal or the use of the services that it may offer, as well as regarding its application, compliance or interpretation of these conditions, the parties involved shall be submitted to the Courts of the city of Valencia.